轉載自 http://homeopathic.com/articles/using_h/flu.php
另外還有談到幾種較常見的, 其藥效我就不再累述
- Gelsemium (yellow jessamine)
Bryonia (white bryony)
Aconitum (monkshood)
Belladonna (deadly nightshade)
Nux vomica (poison nut)
Eupatorium perfoliatum (boneset)
Rhus toxicodendron (poison ivy)
Arsenicum album (arsenic):
Influenzinum (influenza virus)
此段文章的最後一段為使用方法 :
DOSE: Use the 6, 12, or 30 th potency every other hour for the first two or three doses and then every six to eight hours until resolution of the condition. If significant improvement doesn't occur after 24 hours, consider another remedy.
似乎是說選定服用的藥方後,每個小時以6,12,30劑量的方式輪流服用, 持續6~8小時?? (看不太懂, 不知道有沒有比較好的解釋 )
順帶一提, 台灣到時要是有誰染上禽流感, 敢堅持用順勢來治療而不進醫院的的, 那就太勇敢了